Your host. Harry Schneider-Waterberg is committed conservationist and was inSIWRIontol in establishing the WeTerDerg Conservancy.

The Watemerg Conservancy includes Waterberg Guest taunt me Waterberg Plateau Park. the Cheetah Conservation trust (CCP) and several surrounding ranchos and forms o combined natural habitat of over 150 000 hectares COrnonitS0d to the ConServation 01110m. found and froale ecosystems. Harry has served as chairperson of the Conservancy once its inception in l995.

A holistic and sustain-able use of natural resources is the only reasonable way of ensuring present and future use of the land.


Farming, Wildlife & Social Responsibility

Your hosts, Harry & Sonja Schneider-Waterberg, are committed to sustainable farming, conservation and protection of indigenous flora and fauna as well as community development.

Harry, a passionate conservationist even before he took over the farm management from his father in 1991, was instrumental in establishing the Waterberg Conservancy which includes Waterberg Guest Farm, the Waterberg Plateau Park, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) and several surrounding ranches. In total it forms a combined natural habitat of over 180.000 hectares committed to the conservation of indigenous plants and animals as well as fragile ecosystems. Harry has served as chairperson of the Conservancy since its inception in 1995, while Sonja took over the secretariat in 2008.

A holistic and sustainable use of natural resources is the only reasonable way of ensuring present and future use of the land.


Farming & Wildlife

Your hosts, Harry & Sonja Schneider-Waterberg, are committed to sustainable farming, conservation and protection of indigenous flora and fauna as well as community development.
Harry, a passionate conservationist even before he took over the farm management from his father in 1991, was instrumental in establishing the Waterberg Conservancy which includes Waterberg Guest Farm, the Waterberg Plateau Park, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) and several surrounding ranches. In total it forms a combined natural habitat of over 180.000 hectares committed to the conservation of indigenous plants and animals as well as fragile ecosystems. Harry has served as chairperson of the Conservancy since its inception in 1995, while Sonja took over the secretariat in 2008.

A holistic and sustain-able use of natural resources is the only reasonable way of ensuring present and future use of the land.

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EARLY 1990's

Until the early 1990’s Okosongomingo Ranch had mainly been a cattle farm focusing on stud breeding of Santa Gertrudis cattle and Arab horses. When Harry took over management, he realized the urgent need for the conservation of natural resources and resource management of the arid environment. Bush encroachment, over-grazing and erosion were endangering the natural savannah.

Harry investigated non-consumptive use of the natural and national heritage, which lead to the holistic and sustainable use of natural resources integrating traditional cattle farming with non-intrusive tourism and conservation efforts – the only reasonable way of ensuring present and future use of the land.

Each bungalow is built by hand using traditional building methods and materials from the surrounding mountains.


This falls in line with what conservationists all over the world realized in recent years: that the smaller conservancy entities need to be combined into landscapes and eventually lead to establishing biospheres and ultimately trans-national parks.

In this broader context the core function of the Waterberg Conservancy within the “Greater Waterberg Landscape” is to have members who are all landowners commit to a common management plan aimed at the restoration and sustainable use of the natural habitat. This includes multi-level marketing of the diverse tourist attractions and extends to the Communal Conservancies east of the Waterberg as part of the Landscape.

We would not be able to achieve our aims without a strong commitment to our social responsibility and to growing our staff, their families and the neighbouring community. Since we firmly believe in education as the greatest equalizer and human development as an integral part of all sustainable conservation efforts we founded the farm’s own Okosongomingo School Aid Fund in 2007 with the aim to support our employees and their school children. Harry’s mother administered the fund until December 2018 when she handed over to Sonja. With our own funds and generously supported by annual donations from former guests from the Netherlands we pay school fees, school uniform items, stationery and school transport. In recent years we even managed to encourage the mothers and fathers among our staff to set aside a small monthly saving towards their children’s education.

Another community activity is steps for children project in Okakarara, the pilot project of steps for children Trust Fund, a non-profit charitable non-governmental organization (NGO) in Namibia. Over the years, steps established more projects in Gobabis, Rehoboth, Otavi, Okahandja and Windhoek.

Sonja started working at steps Okakarara as a volunteer in 2006. Together with members of the local community and financed through the Stiftung steps for children based in Hamburg/Germany she built up a preschool, soup kitchen and after school care which caters for about 200 disadvantaged children daily. In order to become more and more independent of donations economic projects such as a self-catering guesthouse, sewing workshop and vegetable garden were established. In 2011 Sonja took over the management of the project. These days the focus is less on growing the project and more on consolidating achievements, establishing best practices, improving the quality of all services offered and, last but not least, train a team of locals to take over the project management in the near future. Visitors welcome!


Our concept is to integrate tourism and farming in order to support environmentally sustainable development and land use in harmony with our natural surroundings.

Our kitchen offers a wide variety of meals inspired by the regional cuisine prepared from locally farmed produce which are complemented by exquisite South African wines and great conversation in our spacious dining room.

Each bungalow is built by hand using traditional building methods and materials from the surrounding mountains.


Our Staff represent different ethnic groups. Some staff members were even born on the farm and work here in the second generation. Others originate from other parts of Namibia. Together we form an enthusiastic and extremely friendly as well as competent team.

Should the occasion arise your hosts could share their broad knowledge on numerous and diverse subjects ranging from the local history and culture, wildlife and nature, conservation efforts and predator management through to the realities of day-to-day life on an operational Namibian ranch and in the nearby rural communities.

The area and the animals which inhabit it can be viewed on guided game drives through the surrounding terrain in four-wheel drive vehicles, or just by sitting on the deck overlooking the waterhole.

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And after a long day in the bush, there’s nothing quite like relaxing with an ice-cold sundowner drink around the pool, watching the setting sun illuminating the blood-red Waterberg Plateau.

Catering for only a limited number of guests also enables us to personalise your visit to suit the specific wishes of your group. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary or any other special occasion, we can customize your stay to ensure a truly memorable experience.